Thursday, December 2, 2010

Abandoned.. what i've done to this blog.

Alas- all is not in vain.

So- it's certainly been a while since I last spilled my guts out to the world wide web (a.k.a "www" in the

Recent Happenings from the last 5 months: Got a job. My first job actually. Being a teller at Foster Bank. Every time I work, I serve Korean and occasional Foreign (non-Korean: oh the.. irony) customers. They bring cash, checks, money orders, and I take it from them and deposit it into their bank accounts. After each deposit, I ask them the question "Would you like your balance?" or in Korean: "Balance-uh teurul gah yo?" which is the equivalent of asking the question: "Would you like fries with that?" As months of mindless depositing and cash-outs passed by and I came to realize that although my job is important to all the people who so trustingly give me their forms of money to deposit- I on the other hand do not do so with such importance.
   -I wrote this like 5 months ago. So i definitely forgot the point that i was attempting to ... show.. display.. whatever.-


Recent Happenings: Got a job. My second job after my prestigious occupation of being a bank teller, I am now an upright Library Aide at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Library of Health Sciences- Serials Unit.
What do I do day in and day out? Walk in- stamp journals - finish other small errands and sit down and blog about nonsensical things all the day long. Thank God for this job- I didn't think dream jobs like this truly existed.

*Now if someone is actually reading this... you might want to stop reading here because I kind of go on a rant about snow. *

So. Fall 2010 is almost over. In a week, actually and I will have a temporary freedom to do whatever I please (uhoh- watch out world! meh...) Winter is basically here *I warned you, you can stop reading right about here *because the calendar says so- It says that it's December now.. okay. People around me are weird- they say weird things like: "Oh, I wanted to wake up and see snow on the ground" "Oh I want snow to fall down from the sky" "Oh I love snow, because I don't think about what snow will turn into 10 weeks after it hits the ground". Cynical? Okay, maybe a little bit but I don't see the big deal. Snow is a pain- it makes my small wardrobe shrink back to always being only my coat and stupid generic ugg boots that I bought-which are definitely not waterproof, by the way. Snow can make people slip on the roads, giving them unnecessary rapid heart palpitations and great injuries as well. Sigh. People like to throw snow in each other's faces; and they pretend like it's cotton being smashed into their face, when in actuality, it's ironically burning your face-you know, when something is so cold, it starts to feel hot? Just like how if a goat tickling your feet with its tongue for an hour will later feel extremely painful?- I don't understand it. I guess I just need to get out more.

I feel like I really need to apologize if you read this whole thing for 3 reasons:

1.) The title has nothing to do with what I wrote
2.) I am a terrible writer jumping from hither to thither
3.) All of this has no point, whatsoever.

Have a good day!

ayy carumba

writer's .
block .
sucks .

I stayed up all night just to paint my nails.
that sucks.