Tuesday, April 12, 2011


i'm just tired of it all.

too late.

shoulder pains

i have shoulder pains.
it feels tense. they're giving me a migraine. makes me want to give up.

isn't it interesting , that doing nothing produces stress and doing much produces endorphins, which in turn, produces a sense (may be false) of joy and accomplishment . ?

I've been doing absolutely nothing for the past 1.5 weeks and it feels like crap. There's a stress monster following me, climbing unto my shoulders and gripping them strongly with its claws. I'm dying. I don't know if i can make it.

I need to start doing something. Make this pain go away. Cut the tension out of my life.
Why can't I just do something? I fear that in doing so, my failures and untouched "to-do/s" will spring out at me and stab me in the heart. I'm scared of success, because most probably, everything will fall apart. So, what's the point in trying in the first place?

goals. I need goals. a goal. I need a goal. I need. . a vision. something with a hook to pull me out of this muck.