Friday, June 24, 2011

I Keep Moving Around

"My life is like a roller coaster"
-Best cliche but true phrase ever (for my life, at least).

Why can't I ever feel like I am in the right place.
When I'm high I know I can't enjoy it because of the knowledge of a low that's soon to come.
When I'm low, it's hard to see that I can be up again.
And when I'm stuck in a loop is when everything had just gone wrong.

I am taking part of it all.

Monday, June 20, 2011

This techno generation is draining the life out of me

This techno generation is draining the life out of me- yes I just used the title of this post as my opening line.

I guess "techno" is short for "technological". Anyway point is-my soul is shrinking even smaller than it is as I type in this super random blog entry. So this is my story:

So this morning it's like really dark outside and in the first thing I remember is hearing in the far off distant land the most annoying noise on earth, why it's my alarm of course!

And then after I finally am able to keep my eyes open for more than 3 seconds I turn the data on on my phone and check the weather and then I go and do whatever it is to get "ready" for the day.

I also have to use the internet on my phone to check when the bus is coming and when I do get on the bus I'm already pulling out my iPod to zone out.

I get to work and waste the whole morning on youtube.
Well that was a waste of time only because I didn't feel satisfied inside, like, you know, inside my soul.

So I tweeted about it.
That didn't make me feel any better.

And then I go to class. I actually look forward to it so that I can get something productive done.
But NO- I pull out my laptop and start chatting with my best bud until class starts.

Class starts and I'm like, taking notes. But even where I write my notes is connected to the internet (evernote, it's awesome)!

Class is over and then I eat some pasta for lunch and head over to the library to "study".
I look forward to it because I'll actually be looking at a book instead of some type of screen.

BUT NOO-I pull out my laptop againnnn and what do I go to? Twitter and youtube. I actually even watched a video of bieber's terrible acting. I posted a hater comment and then went on to watch other pointless videos.

This was NOT A GOOD DAY.
In fact, I am very angry about it.

Ok, well, no one reads this so i'm not too concerned about the terrible grammar goin' on here.
So i'll just leave this random rant/post with this: I refuse to become some sort of human that is going to be swallowed up by technology. If that happens, I'll just become some sort of robot. The more I get absorbed in this information age, the more my soul seems to disappear and everything that I once invested my time to loses its meaning. I refuse! I learned my lesson.

ok i've given up on this post.